Winston and Ave's Wedding
My first time at Mary the Queen! It's the well-known church right smack in the middle of ICA and Xavier. My first time to see those schools as well. Haha! The church was quite nice! It was blue and white mostly. Kinda reminded me of Ateneo. Dunno why it had a Jesuit feel to it (whatever a Jesuit feel maybe. Hehe).
Anyway, Lea and I arrived at the church to find the Panganibans at the back. Mike reported he and Pia took on the special role of offerors! Haha!
Highlights of the ceremony... the priest pronouncing Averyl's name like "April". Winston and Ave's "You may now kiss the bride" kiss ... or non-kiss rather. Hehe. For a super kalog couple, these two are actually pretty shy when it comes to public display of affection. Haha. Ave kinda ducked when Wins leaned forward for a kiss. Haha. It was sweet.
Of course, my favorite part was when Ave carried Winston! Yes, she is super physically fit to pull this one off!

Jan was the very helpful MoH. The entourage's gowns were stunning! Love the different styles. Love the colors! Love the jewels!
Reception followed at La Pavillion, along Roxas Blvd. My first time here as well. The set-up was beautiful. Indoor oriental garden. We all happily partook the lauriat feast (catering by Gloria Maris). Yum yum yum. Food was awesome.
The program was super fun too! I liked the shoe and the kissing game. Mental note to my coordinator self... do this at the next wedding.
More pics of the Gang and a very special guest, fresh from Singapore and on a boylet high, Paui! She has had a lot of Vitamin E! Haha!
Lea and I were just laughing all throughout the night. There's the afternoon where we simply had to give in our craving for pizza. So to Shakey's Blue Wave we went in our immaculate wedding outfits. Then there's the part where the ushers asked us to sit at Table 48. To which I replied, "Umm (according to the diagram), eh hanggang table 47 lang yung andito eh". Then there's our interesting tablemates. MIS shiftees. Haha.
Marian and Boom stopped by to chat. Hmmm... Next Attraction na ba to sa D Gang weddings? Haha!
Our pics with the couple before we left. Deng. Looks like we're in some rave, with the smoke and all. I dunno where the smoke came from. Sayang naman. Oh well. It was nice having everyone together ('cept for Keyce!). I can't imagine Ave and Wins with anyone else. Their AVP was super nice and funny! Overall, the entire evening reflected the couple's personalities. Fun fun fun!
Wow. 11 years of togetherness. Amazing. Through thick and thin! I recall talking to Wins prior to his proposal. He had asked me, "Ten, do you do wedding proposal coordination rin ba?" Aww... So sweet how Wins put "Will you marry be 'Mam Abi?" on the Parao sail in Bora. Winston is one of the nicest guys I know, and Ave's one of the nicest girls ever. I'm just happy for both of them.
Random Thoughts...
** As I've always said, the overall success of a wedding, really depends on the couple and the guests. I particularly enjoyed this wedding because the bride and the groom I've known for a very long time. I realized that it's been about eleven years when I first met Wins, and about ten when I first met Ave. This was such a riot, and yet it was super elegant and organized!
** Garlic and cheese pizza is tops. Haha. Lea and I shared a regular G&C Shakey's thin crust pizza. It was nice. My shout out to April Isla for introducing this to me!
** Lea and I got to talking about relationships. She shared a few thoughts about how you can never really tell if something will work out or not. She was not a believer of long distance relationships. But she and Jesse somehow made it work, and they're getting married next year (with the cutest Save The Date cards!). Bottom line. If it's worth saving, you'll do everything in your power to just make it work.
** I would someday like to be in the place where someone will tell me, "Your call". Not to say that I want to dominate my future partner (Hello naman?! Ako pang Miss Kaladkarin). It's just nice to know that you think matters. Or that whatever's ok with you, is ok with me. Haaay... I think I kinda get this way after attending a great wedding. That familiar feeling of longing. I've no doubt that that "someday" is just around the corner.
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