It's been a good day, I must say. Hehe. These past few days I've been kind of sad, uninspired, and frustrated. But I think Wednesday made up for all that. Highlights of my Day...

Crazy office peeps Never a dull moment when these guys are around. Today, Angelo was playing barber to Ceasar, with matching impressive barberong sipol. They even had a small audience who was just laughing and laughing. Ahhh... Chortling times are always good times. A stress reliever. Alaga namin ni France si Ceasar. Kailangang di tuyuan ng pawis! Haha! Ilo has always made me laugh the hardest. He's one of the few people who can make me laugh na wala nang sound na lumalabas. Champion!
Dela Rama Nuptials Awww... It continues to amaze me how the years pass and now, Suzie and Paolo are married! They've always been there for me. Love talking to these guys. And I wish to see little Suzies and Paolos soon. Hehe!

Chat with My Ate Gret My YM status lately has often been "Chatting with Ate Gret". I soooooo miss her! She's in New York right now, taking care of Baba (that's Rico). Chatting with her is always a blast. She loves Jollibee spagHetti, Jerry Moralesh, spending quality time with Baba, and laughing! Today, she was modeling the Green Clover and Aloe lotion she recently purchased from Bath and Body (which she will soon ship to # 8 San Marcelino st...). She's one of my many Ates. But she's MY Ate. Haha. Suzie said we look alike. And I feel super honored. Haha.
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