[Movie Shmovie] Marley and Me

Last Friday, the girls (Keyce, Epay, Issang, and I) went to see "Marley and Me". I've wanted to see it ever since Irene told me she liked it, despite not being a dog-lover. She had her teary-eyed moments too, so I was pretty curious about it overall. It's a feel good movie! Heartwarming also comes to mind. We have a Labrador ourselves, so I was know how cute these dogs can be. Hehe. What surprised me though were the meaty insights, amidst the very simple story. How life can surprise you. How you can surprise yourself. And having relationships with love in its purest form. I was wiping away tears when the credits were rolling. I was also muttering, "Stupid dog". Hehe. My favorite movie line (apart from the monologue at the end), was "Mend it, don't end it."
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