"Eyes on the prize, Violet"
1. distraction - mental turmoil; "he drives me to distraction"
confusedness, disarray, mental confusion, confusion - a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; "a confusion of impressions"
2. distraction - an obstacle to attention
3. distraction - an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations
4. distraction - the act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something; "conjurers are experts at misdirection"
Can you now guess my favorite word for the day? Hehe. Not to say that I have been unable to get things done. Mind you! I completed the MTS training plan, the TSI interview results of a certain Mr. Ramirez, and... a bunch of other tasks.
I found out today that I will in fact be seeing the famous wide-eyed Tarsiers of Bohol this weekend! Whoopeee! I had a feeling about how this weekend will turn out. My instincts have more often than not, served me with pretty accurate predictions. And what exactly are my instincts telling me now about "distrations"? Haha.
"Mental Turmoil".... sounds just about right. Schmenten has taken trip down the Mental Turmoil lane quite a few times. May these frequent trips translate into reminders I should take to heart.
"Eyes on the prize, Violet." said the creepy Mom in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. May this be my mantra. The prize being my long term goal for next year. Maan did tell me to steer clear of romantic distractions for the meantime. Ok schments!! YES to reviews and NO THANKS to "mental turmoil"s!
I don't know if it's a girl thing... but sometimes my imagination just runs wild with these what-ifs and conjured scenarios. Count not your chickens before they are even eggs, my friend.
I'm playing devil's advocate here... Hmm... Life is sooo much simpler without distractions. But well. In most cases, it's a personal choice. Should you allow yourself to be distracted or not? Haha. Easier said than done.
I'm glad the episode of Project Runway today was yet another replay! Whoopteeedooo! I hope next week's a new episode! I've found fans of the show in Keysi and Bibay! Right now, I am rooting for Kara Saun and Jay... and maybe that other cute designer in his skivvies... Haha!
ALRYTY! Time's up! Hitting the sack in a while...
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