To date, I have seen this movie on the big screen two times. This weekend. Haha. The theatres were packed! The movie was exciting from beginning to end. Visual effects were stunning. Seamless! I mean, who'd have thought that one day, they'd make a live action movie of this cartoon about robots who transform into automobiles and machines?! And that one day, Michael Bay (action film director) would direct it? I think what kept it interesting and fast paced was the many interwoven subplots. Shia LaBeouf's character was just endearing. Haha. I heart Bumble bee, although he was a GMC Camaro in the movie instead of a VW Beatle. Love "Baby Come Back" and "Drive". Mark and Karina said they felt the same way at the end of Transformers like after seeing Jurassic Park for the first time. I was equally amazed at how behaved the kids in the movie house were. They were taking everything in.
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