Liquor Ban
Last Saturday, it slipped my mind that the liquor ban will take effect Sunday midnight. We went to Tides at 11:30pm, but the manong there said they were closed. Dengit. I had taken a mental note of the ingredients Carl had guessed for the famous red tide drink. We went to Ralphs and got a bottle of Alize. Then to 7-11 for some dark rum and chips. And finally to a sari-sari store for some Four Seasons in a can.
Turned out pretty well! I was Ms. Bartender, and I made a total of about 4 "red tide"s. All Geocanigas here! Issang, Mark, Rommel, Ton, and I made some tolerable noise in the auxiliary house. Everyone took turns saying something about their love lives (My contribution to that conversation was, "same old, same old").

We finished at around 3:30am. Rommel was hungry so we had tapsilog at Don Galo, about seven minutes away from our house. Mark was super makulit. Apparently, he's had a lot of "red tide" and was surfing the tipsy wave. Hehe.
IT IS legal to drink at home. But we could not help looking over our shoulder when we heard a weird noise by the gate. Hehe.
gahd don't you just love alcohol? HAHAHA!!
i'm turning into an alcoholic over here. nakakainis lang yung bit na SUPER MAHAL.
hope everything's well over there, ho.
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