Undas 2007
No tombstones nor candles. I didn't have the chance to visit Loyola Memorial this November 1 or 2. I was in the office. Working. Ugh. Of course, I couldn't say no to inuman and lamon sessions.
November 1, we finished some of Rommel's left over alcohol. Everything goes well with Four Seasons. Including gin. Sheryl joined in the chatter. Issang and I retired earlier than the others. I had to go to work the following day!

Friday was lamon day! Lunch time, Mike and took advantage of the relatively laid back work pace. We had lunch at Shangri-La Mall, sampling the goodies at Cyma. I thought we ordered way too much, but we finished almost everything. Soup was good! Towards the end of lunch, Mike was on a roll with his jokes.

I left the office at around 745. Chae and I were exchanging a couple of SMSs when I had the brilliant idea of inviting her to dinner. It was a pig-fest with sisig, inihaw na liempo, and bicol express. Funny how bicol express was categorized under "vegestables" when clearly pork was its main feature. Lotsa catching up!

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