Some Random Pics
Took a few pictures these past few days of a few random stuff.
Here's a billboard along EDSA, close to the MRT track. Filipinos heart Jollibee, and it makes me smile when we have balikbayans who crave for Jollibee goodies. Anyway, I like this print ad.

Starbucks coffee the best. My grade school friends and I were talking last Sunday and they were all saying how the coffee at Gloria Jeans or Seattle's Best is better. Of course I was first to contest. I heart Starbucks. And the Green Clover and Aloe scent (barely seen in this picture) I've been making tipid these past few months.

Fireworks at MOA! It's pretty awesome to watch a fireworks display up close! Donde esta Pyro Olympics?

Saw this sign in MOA last Saturday (when I was there with Pesem and Issang). Coudn't resist. My favorite name in lights.

I cleaned out my closet last week and I found a couple of shirts I've stashed away for safe keeping (actually, more for sentimental reasons). Anyway, I came upon these three interesting shirts.
This gray one's the shirt we got from our PDP training in St. Charles Illinois. O.M.G. The shirt will officially turn 7 years old this July.

Lapagayo was a huge deal back in college. Colorful and whimsical. So where are my lapagayo shirts from way back when? Still inside my closet but in my pambahay pile. Hehe. This orange shirt's been with me for almost ten years now.

This blouse I also love. I got it waaaay back freshman year in college, the summer before school started. Kamiseta SM Southmall I think. This blouse is super soft, and kinda old! It's turning 12 years old this May.

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