Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend Random Thoughts

Wow. My third entry for the day. Hehe. My random musings for this weekend...

** Macmacmac is backbackback in the PowerMac hospital. Yesterday, just before I started my first TSI, my laptop couldn't boot up. Yet again. Barely a week after I checked him out, he found his way back. Ugh. This is not a good sign. Must be a bigger problem. I love Macs with all my heart, but I couldn't help but be disappointed. Or guilty? Hehe. Now I'm back to squatting. Rommel's laptop is close to ancient, but it's still working though. Had a couple of virus attacks in the past, but I don't think it's ever had a hardware related problem. Now I have to wait yet again for some notication from the PowerMac center.

** Deadlines past. I received a brochure from the Stern School of Business (NYU), and the second round of application just closed. The third deadline is coming in a few weeks, and I don't even have half the requirements ready. To move or not to move. That still remains to be the question. I have two camps of MBA cheerleaders. The London/Indo chapter (Irene and Arief) and the Pasig chapter (Suzie and Paolo). I can hear them sighing in frustration now. Happy cheering errupts from my two Staying-in-Pinas camps. The Casa Maria chapter (Ate Love, Ina, and Iris) and the Prince Tower chapter (Karina).

** SkyCable now sucks. Bye bye Solar channels. Hello not so great channels. I am not very happy with our cable TV provider right now. I find myself surfing through channels 8 to 56 to find something good to watch (surfing through channels 47-55 used to be enough). Crap. An upside to this though, is budding interest for the Discovery Channel and National Geographic.

** Errand Day on Tuesday. I SMSed by SMR today, asking if I can go take a vacation leave on Tuesday to do some errands. Schmenten needs to go to two banks, the Makati City Hall, maybe the Facial Care center, maybe school (to request for my Transcript of Records). I hope get all of my stuff done.

** Engagements, Weddings, and Children Galore. I've been catching up with some of my friends from high school and college lately. And on most of the headlines (chika headlines that is), Person X getting married, Person Y having another kid, Person Z getting engaged... I guess I'm currently at that age where such life altering events are happening. Most of the news I've been getting though are related to engagement. 2008 is a lucky year to be married, most couples figure. So how do I feel about all the engagements? Happy for my friends. Excited as well (Some are soliciting wedding advice from moi). At times a little sad (for moi). And then hopeful. My time may not be now, but I know "my time" exists. I've been called an idealist by a few people. Perhaps I am, but I do have my share of jaded moments. I guess I'm essentially an optmist. An optimist who needs to be a do-er for 2008.


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