Monday, June 16, 2008

[Joy in the Little Things] June 16, 2008

** A family-filled Father's Day Weekend - The entire family spent the weekend together. We first spent the night at a 2-bedroom suite at Somerset Olympia (Thanks the Firm for the good corporate rate). Then it was breakfast at the Old Swiss Inn, Lunch at Paseo Uno, "The Happening" at GB3, and finally "Nacho Libre" on DVD to end the weekend. Interesting seemingly hypothetical conversations over lunch. If you ask me though, if I had it my way, 150 guests'll be perfect.

** Foie Gras at Paseo Uno. O.M.G. Tis the first buffet where you can eat all the goose liver you want. The chefs at Paseo Uno serve em fried, and topped with this balsamic vinegar sauce with strawberries. In a word? Sinful.

** Seeing "The Dark Knight" trailer. Big fan of Batman Begins. Huge fan of Christopher Nolan.

** Finishing a bowl of Maggie Beef Noodle soup with Egg. I had this for dinner tonight. Burnt my tongue a little. Eating Maggie Noodles brings back a lot of childhood memories. We usually had it for merienda when we were younger.

** The pleasant surprise that someone actually "sees" you for who you are, even though you haven't known them for long.

** Being in a better mood. Sometimes it's a decision. Sometimes you just are.


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