Monday, October 20, 2008

Packing, Unpacking, and Packing some more

It's been almost a week since we got back from our vacay in Vietnam. Most of our bags have been unpacked, presents to friends and loved ones given away. Mid-last week though, I decided to spend two nights at the condo in Makati. Our tiny room here at home could accommodate three people comfortably. Four peeps is ok. Five or six is a stretch. I might be being a brat here, but after a tiring day in the office, a nice comfortable bed would be nice. So I decided to sleepover and fly solo Thursday and Friday evening. Packed some of my stuff again. Was back here at home Saturday evening.

Although I had more space in the condo, I must admit it was tad sadder sleeping by myself. No TV or internet surfing to tempt me. Just this bare window and a not so creepy closet (no moooooy moooooy bear there). The up side to it though was I arrived at the office faster, and I seem to have more time to do things.

Tonight, I packed clothes and stuff good for the next four days. Will be back here at home Thursday evening, and I have more packing to do then! Kars and I are flying to HK this weekend, and I'm pretty psyched! In the spirit of Uu_huh2004, we've dubbed this trip with Remedios, Ni_Hao2008. Kars and I agreed that we will be relaxed during this trip. Try to make it a vacation. Hehe. For any HK shopping tips let me know!


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