Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Christmas That Was

Today is officially the 28th of December. Christmas is over and the New Year's up next. I've been monumentally busy with so many things. Moving into the renovated house, sorting through stuff, attending weddings, attending Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, meeting with friends... I most certainly enjoy doing all of them, but this December has got to be the most hectic one in recent history. Quite reminiscent of the years when I participated at bazaars. I had a few Scrooge moments this Christmas. Overall, I wish I could have enjoyed the holidays more.

Anyway, the Jologzbitchin girls will be flying to sunny (I hope) Boracay tomorrow for three days and two nights of fun. We're all very excited! Maan and I went to ATC earlier today to go swimsuit shopping. I had to resort to the generic Speedo suit because they carried my size. Dengit these puppies. Haha. I think I overpacked, and I may need to check in my luggage tomorrow. Again, I am sooo not physically prepared for this trip. I will most likely drool over bikini-worthy bods at the beach.

So many things happened these past few weeks. I'll just do a quick rundown, in the hopes that it will motivate me to write separate entries for them (with matching pictures).

** Project Christmas Party @ Friday's - I resisted the urge to meddle in the planning of the party and execution of the program. Must. Not. Give. In. To. Party. Planning. Itch. I was glad to see that everyone took on to the Hat theme well! I guess they all didn't want to pay 100 bucks for an undecorated hat. Hats off to Mark M. who conceptualized Tina's hat (with the Emo bangs). I appended red bangs to my own black emo hat, and it matched my black and red top (which Mike thinks looks like a woodchucker's outfit.

** Mel and Allan's Wedding - An early morning wedding. Thank God my green floral dress from BKK still fits. Mel was a bonafide bride at her wedding! Choreographed first dance, gazing into the eyes of her husband, super projection for the pictures... Food was overflowing! And we had fun taking silly pictures at the photobooth.

** Dinner with Keysi @ Sofitel - Being the fans of food that we both are, I insisted that Keyce and I have our Christmas dinner at Spiral, my favorite intercontentinental buffet in the metro. The Christmas traffic going to Sofitel did our appetites good. We were hungry when we arrived! Keyce loved the steak, and I had soooo much shrimp that my lower lip swelled a little (allergic reaction).

** CafPpl Dinner @ Kabisera - My blockmates and I see each other at least once a year. Last year, I remember having this conversation with Tere. She thought out loud, "I wonder when we'll all get together and have our plus ones to introduce to the group." Well, December 2008 was the year for most of us. Tere brought Peejo along. Fara brought Mello. Lloyd has a gf but didn't bring her along. He took a conference call in the middle of dinner! And there were two surprise announcements. I was not very surprised at the announcement made in Coffee Bean. I've been reading between the lines of Tere's blog. Haha. A very pregnant Kathy arrived with hubby Jason.

** Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the Family - Our traditional family get-together. Never gets old! We had games and the yearly Christmas photo shoot. I was actually more worred about cleaning up after the party. Haha.

** Christmas Day in the office - We've been doing this for three years (Imagine that). This year, I continue to be the bearer of food.


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