Thursday, September 23, 2004

Amazing Race fever has hit Metro Manila! And I feel almost guilty that chatting up a storm about race highlights, teams who should've won, and tactics is not a chargeable activity in our project. Bummer.

As unexpected turn of events have it, TAR5-forums-favorite Chip and Kim dashed to the finish line first, just a few minutes before my team, the very controversial Colin and Christie. Several heated debates insued, in lieu of this. Heated debates among my friends, officemates, and housemates. C&K fans argue that lying is part of the game. Twas their strategy. Withholding information was not illegal in the rule book. My vehement reply to that was: that's not how the other teams played! And well, quite frankly, despite Colin's loud, dirty mouth, he and Christie were the strongest players... in the entire history of the Amazing Race! Haha! In the long run, the lesson of it was: It's not really how to play the game, it's on whose side Lady Luck is on!

Things have simmered down a bit, from last week's controversial discussions. But I still think the more deserving team was Colin and Christie. They kicked ass!! My heart went out to the loud-mouthed neanderthal when he exclaimed, "My Ox is broken!" A few minutes later, he muttered in despair, "I hate you!" Haha! Rude guys are human after all. My vote for the C&C team was stamped certain when he hurriedly climbed the rapelling rope against the huge wall in Palawan! Talk about super-human strength!

Anyway, funny how the CBS website has C&C on the winner's page. :D Hehe!
Oh well... tis the beginning of yet another season of Amazing Race! Hope this one'll be as interesting and riveting as the last one!


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