On Cream Cheese, Distractions, and Being "S"
Throughout the course of today, I've been thinking on occasion what to blog about. Also present in my thoughts is how slow Rommel's HP laptop has become. I'm glad the excel file I created in his laptop turned out to be Virus free. Which means... the files themselves are ok. But there seems to be this spyware thing that's sneakily duplicating some of the files. Mental note to self... remind Suzie about bringing the Adaware thing tomorrow when I see her.
Random thoughts : Cream cheese on pesto is just yummy. Haha. Sorry about the banality of the thought, but such a gastronomical fact needs to be mentioned. Kudos to Ate Henny for having the pesto with chicken nuggets down to the t. Thanks to Maila and Tom Manning for the suggestion!
More Random thoughts... To be inspired or to be distracted? I did have an entry yesterday about distraction and how it can be "mental torture". How does one move from distraction to inspired? I remember my sharing this tidbit with a friend before... "I like being single! Believing in 'I need no one else to complete me'! Of course everything changes when some prospect enters your reverie and makes you think otherwise." Not liking / crushing/ thinking of anyone in particular is every single girl's key to a peaceful existence. Haha! I think a happy single person will want a change in status when he or she finds someone who might be worth liking. I could be wrong though.
What is my current outlook about being single? I'd say 'Happy' still... with a couple of wistful thoughts here and there.
Not so Random Thought...Trip to the land down under has been moved to 2-4 weeks. Very AC for such a thing to happen. I'm glad I've been setting my mind that the trip supposedly this weekend will be moved. And right was I! I better keep me-self preoccupied with other things.
Plan more out of town trips! Complete backlog wedding stuff... Tsk tsk...
Remembering BKK2005... Will I see your tempting red lights once again? This year? Haha!

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