Old Friends
This week and the past week have been pretty hectic weeks. Even the weekends are filled with activities. Work has been relentless. I think the stress is taking its toll on my appetite. I've been having this constant craving for coffee and YBs. But dinner time always seems to be a good time to eat. Hehe. Meeting with my annual reviewees has been fun. It's pretty interesting how similar most of them are. I've met with... 5 of them! So 12 to go??
Last night I had a blast hanging out with Mikey (fresh off the boat) and Lery! I picked Mikey up from his Tita's house in Dasma and we just chatted and chatted until dinner time. He's still the same goofball from college... only thinner! Yoga seems to do wonders for the body (and the stamina, I hear!). Lery joined us after, and we just chatted some more over dinner in Cascada. Reminiscing galore! Khalid's eyebrows, trips to Eliazo, girls who had a crush on Jog... Laugh trip! We had drinks after at Segafredo, and Mikey's aunt, uncle, and cousin joined us. Lery and I (sneakily), had coffee after. I can't believe how the two hours just flew! We shared stories and well... our conclusion?? Haha. Kung makakagawa ng paraan, gagawa ng paraan!
I'm pretty amazed at how there are friends whom you don't get to see that often, but when you do, it's like you just last saw them yesterday. I had a different kind of high after last night. Mikey gives the best advice. I wonder how he does it?! He doesn't need all the details. He just seems to know!
Maan sent me email-esque text messages today! She is back! After being Ms. L.A. Tour Guide and Singles for Christ super woman! i hope you're reading this Maan! Christmas will be doubly sad because you aren't around. :(
Speaking of the holidays... Our BKK trip is about... 9 days away?! 9 days from tomorrow. Gotta start that shopping list.
oh yesss sweetie! maan is present. grabe, i missed reading your blog..been super busy the past couple of weeks but i am sooo back! chat soon..love ya!
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