Focus First Christmas Party
Last December 8, 2006, we had our first ever team building and project Christmas party... where else but in Casa Geocaniga! Hehe! Two years in a row baby! (Last year, ERP5 had a luau here as well)
Anyway, the party started waaay past 8 p.m. We all had to traverse the crazy holiday traffic to get to Paranaque. Even with no alcohol yet, Ceasar could not take his hands off the Magic Sing. Here he is with Tammy.

Everyone was in the mood for group photos!

After a very late dinner, we had a couple of activities (most of which were recycled Dow-games!). The team charades, where the Siebel L3 and Dev team won, was a pretty laughter-intensive activity! Each of the teams did their very best to act out movie titles. I couldn't stop laughing at Angelo's "Gorilla?! Chewbaca?!.... Chewbaboy!" guesses. Then there's Spiderman and Superman (d best kayo Welmer and Yas!). Another activity we had was the Focus Slambook. We will forever remember Rey's "Nahulog me sa manhole". Bad Santa had all thirty plus of us receiving and exchanging gifts. Glue gun anyone??
Post official activities, there was more singing and playing! Felix Dude proved to be some solid singing competition for Ceasar! Alex, Michael, and Edwin played some billiards. And Angelo loved, loved, loved his beer!

More singers in the house! Yas sang "Crazy For You" (She left her heart in Sydney!). Newbie RJ and veteran Siebel-ster Welmer happily grabbed the microphone and rendered those left in the party with a song.

Mark also made a very special announcement that night, which was greeted with a chorus of "huwaaat?!"s. But we wish him well and admire him for the crazies thing he's done for love. Haha!

Of course, crazy picture taking was in order. After a couple of vodka red bulls (tsalap!), two song numbers ("Uptown Girl" and "More Than Words"), Mike was in a posing mood.

Some more singing and some more snoozing later, the guys finally called it a night.

Merry Christmas Focus peeps! We still have a bottle of Absolut Citron, Artic Melon, and Jose Cuervo Tequila!
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