Sunday, August 19, 2007

If I were the author...

I think it's been two or three straight weeks that I've been seeing Irene! Today was no exception. We went to Glorietta because she wanted to see "A Love Story". Being the pushover that I am, I went see the movie for the second time. I have to admit, I appreciated the movie more when I saw it for the second time. Maybe it was then when I noticed some of the subtleties.

After the movie, we went around Glorietta some more. On our way back to the Parking Lot, we stopped by UCC. The coffee place's location is just perfect.It's right smack in the middle of the mall hustle and bustle. The authentic greens make the more laid-back experience real.

She and I often ask each other these "what if"s about sometimes silly scenarios. This week, I asked her, "If you were the (sole) author of your life, how would you write it in the next two of three years?" Being the sole author means, everything you intend to happen will happen as you please. Irene excitedly told me how she envisioned her life. Her face was beaming as she was telling the story. She asked me to answer my own question and I went off with my own version of "what will be". To some extent, I was feeling sad. Maybe because I know that the likelihood of what I am envisioning becoming an absolute reality to a T is very slim. But then again, I remined myself and Irene that the best moments in our lives so far, are those which we didn't expect or plan to happen. Just like most movies. Where the twist or the unexpected, unconventional ending immortalizes a film.

This is quite similar to the game I love playing with my friends: Let's talk in present tense, as if it's ten years from today. Hehe. Fun fun.


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