My New Crush (Part 2)
I'm not sure if I ever said it in my previous entries... But I totally love Henry from Ugly Betty (portrayed by cutie Christopher Gorham).

I wikipedia-d Henry's character and voila! Here's a synopsis of their romantic encounters:
Henry is an accountant on the 3rd floor for Meade Publications who catches Betty's eye. Although he was introduced in "The Lyin', the Watch and the Wardrobe," his first appearance was in the much delayed episode "Swag," which aired January 4, 2007 as an extended flashback.
Henry, who hails from Tucson, Arizona, is a bit of a bookworm with an excellent memory for facts and figures. He often sprinkles such facts in his conversations with Betty, followed by the statement "It's just something I know." Betty and Henry appear to mutually share an attraction, and they seem to be heading towards a relationship. However, Betty abruptly leaves the Christmas party after misunderstanding a situation where a model forces a kiss on Henry. This drives Betty back to her ex-boyfriend, Walter. When Henry calls after the party, he was intercepted by Betty's sister, Hilda. Knowing that his attraction to Betty will doom her relationship with Walter, Hilda "loses" Henry's message.
As the first half of season one ends, Betty finds herself in a romantic dilemma: She still has feelings for Henry even as she tries to work things out with Walter. Betty continues to avoid Henry, but learns Henry's "kiss" with the model was not his fault. During the episode "I'm Coming Out," Betty is busy with organizing Fashion Week for MODE and she re-encounters Henry for the first time since the Christmas party. After Hilda further interferes with them conversing, Henry eventually asks Betty why she never returned his call. She discovers that Henry called to see Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Hilda purposely "lost" the message.
The two resume talking, and unaware that Betty is back with Walter, in the episode "Brothers," Henry asks Betty on a date to see the musical Wicked, but Betty affirms "just as friends." That night, Walter tells Betty that he accepted a management position in Maryland, and the two break up. At the same time, Henry was seen at Betty's desk at MODE with a gift, a Wicked shirt with a note that read: "Can't wait, green girl!" But, the following morning, Henry confessed to Betty that he had a surprise visit from his ex-girlfriend from Tucson, Charlie, who wanted to reconciliate their relationship, not knowing that Betty and Walter had broken up. He gave her the Wicked tickets, apologizing, and left Betty broken-hearted.
I stopped right there because this was yesterday's episode. I'm watching next week to see what happens next...
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