[Movie Shmovie] Mamma Ma!

My thanks to Maila for gushing about how much she and Tom enjoyed watching Mamma Mia the musical in Hong Kong. During my trip to Singapore with Irene last 2004, we saw Mamma Mia in Esplanade and we had a blast! I've been raving about this musical ever since. It's just good fun. And it featured ABBA songs! You can never go wrong with ABBA (the group's name is even a palindrome). Anyway, I happily obliged to Grouchy's invite to see the musical today. The verdict? The film adaption is pretty good!! My favorite song's still "Take a Chance On Me", which Julie Christie sang perfectly (with good comedic timing). I did miss "Thank you for the music", but they played it when the credits rolled. I'm not sure how non-fans (non-fans of ABBA and the musical), will like this movie. It's mostly fluff. Nothing earth shattering or mind boggling. Just great fun! Meryl Streep is always amazing. And Amanda Seyfriend (ditzy blond from "Mean Girls") was an adorable Sophie. The main highlight for me though was Pierce Brosnan. You gotta love 'em English guys. I was singing along (which annoyed both my seatmates). Haha. Afterall, it was a musical!
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