For the past two days, I've been listening all day to Jack Johnson. I recently discovered his song "Upside Down" (which I posted on my blog). Angelo's a huge fan, and I think he several of Jack's albums. The new mainstay on my CD player is the album, "In Between Dreams". I'm loving these tracks: "Better Together", "Banana Pancakes", "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing", "Staple it Together", and "Belle". His website's pretty cool too! www.jackjohnsonmusic.com. His songs just put you in a good mood. They're very laid back and not at all angry or angsty. Which is a little different from The Killers (who I love to pieces despite "Mr. Brightside" being such an angry song). I read from Wikipedia that Mr. Johnson's a native of Hawaii. I had a thought, and I think I shared this with my cousin Augmoc. When I finally get together with my "somebody" (Depeche Mode song reference), I'd want it to be like a Jack Johnson song. No complications. Just relaxed, content, and happy with no frills. I think my better work mood as of late can be attributed to listening to the "In Between Dreams" CD.
In other news... just when I was feeling uninspired, I get nudged to the motivated direction. Haha. Funny how small things (inanimate objects) made me realize that I shouldn't be complacent, and that I am still challenged to do certain things better.
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