Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hectic Friday

Meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Guess where I was at for the most part of the day? Yes, genius. Meetings! They were interesting meetings anyway. Our morning meeting with our Sydney senior exec was the venue of Schmenten's booboo. Because the effing mute button looked very much like the hang up button, I accidentally dropped off from the conference when one of our senior managers was in mid-sentence. Teehee.

Our afternoon meetings were mostly eating and sharing about more goals. Poooey. Fulfilling our new role remarkably well is a great challenge. Not a walk in the park, definitely.

Mike and I have been trying to stay on a diet this week because of our evening plans! As promised, Yas treated us to a filling dinner at Chilis, in celebration of her victory. Haha. It was a three-hour chat fest, which ended with a ten minute black out and the guys teasing me about my Esmeralda/Do-the-Conga blouse.

2 Epals + 2 soon-to-be-Aussies + 1 Wireless Headset buying chap = a fun Friday night. It was great stress reliever, especially after all the stuff we've been dealing with during the week.

I'm just happy it's the weekend. Plans for tomorrow? Got an appointment with Dr. Tanquilut in Teoville. Then maybe mass at Sofitel again for my brother's last Bar Exam weekend! And then meet up with Karina maybe after dinner.

Sunday, Tonton and I will do our final Bar Ops gig, hopefully BE EARLY for the tips we need to give Rommel. I'm excited to see the celebrations afterwards. They say all the water throwing typically leaves taft semi-flooded.


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