Coldplay in Singapore!!

Funny how I found out. It was fifteen minutes to 1AM and I was just about to doze off to lala land. My phone rang and I was surprised to see that Mike was calling. God I hope it's not another major! He said, "Hi. Are you sleep? Are you logged on to the internet?" Of course my answer was "No" and he said, "Well, you better check SISTIC. Because Coldplay will be in Singapore." I sprang out of bed the minute I heard Coldplay and Singapore in one sentence.
I've been obsessing about seeing these guys in concert lately. I've been saying to myself, "I need to watch Coldplay in concert before I turn the big 3-0. I must. I must." I know it will be a near-spiritual experience! They've come out with four amazing albums and they're just awesome in concerts.
Internet ticket sales will be open on February 16 and I also started scouting for flights. Woohoohooo!! Advanced Happy Beeday to me!
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