Still Under the Holiday Slug Spell
Still under the holiday slug spell... Although I'm not really all that busy to begin with, I feel I need to drag my lazy ass out of bed every single day! Today was no exception. Last night, twas a night of gift-wrapping and a lot of television! Twas the evening I caught up with my O.C. season 2 viewing. Episode 5 in the bag baby! And twas another SATC evening... my night-out with my favorite New Yorkers. Thought-provoking shows... 'Ere some thoughts provoked:
The O.C. -- The New Kids on the Block, The New Era, The SnO.C.,

New loves for the old characters.
I am liking Zach for Summer very much. He is such a nice guy! Kinda looks like the dude in Father of The bride (Steve Martin's son-in-law). He's not too flashy, he's smart, and he's obviously into Summer! Conflict in the horizon : Old love vs. new love. Summer is sooo not over Cohen. The lingering looks, the banter, the look she gave Alex after she said, "I'll take it from here." This should be interesting....

Ten Thoughts - to find a new love may entail a new environment, and please, a refurbished bod! I need to start dieting and exercising! Mischa Barton's fabulous outfits can only work for a fabulous bod... I need to motivate myself better. The barage of holiday feasting is not helping!
Sex and the City - Splat!

More drama in the Big Apple when Carrie's beloved friends find out that Carrie is moving to Paris with the Russian. Miranda was upset by it, and she let Carrie know how she felt. The episode ended with a sad note. I used to relate to Charlotte a whole lot before, but now, I think Miranda's my girl. She has a strong personality and she isn't afraid to say what she thinks. And that's what friends are supposed to do - be honest with each other. Although being happy for each other is also part of the friends list. I think my Season 6 favorite episode is in the horizon! I'm pretty psyched!
Ten Thoughts - Are you willing to uproot your entire life for a guy? My... The Russian makes Carrie happy. But well, is that enough to guarantee a good relationship in a foreign country? Ummm.... foreign country... How I'd like to do that myself. And Paris! Uh! How lovely!
All for now!
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