Tis the Bazaar Season...

Pasko na naman o kay tulin ng araw...
My oh my!! Tis Christmastime again! How time flies, and oh how the concessionaires at the St. James Bazaar have grown! They've grown exponentially! Pretty amazing, and pretty unfortunate. I was in Cuenca twice last weekend. I found presents for some of my godkids and favorite kiddies. My personal favorite : The terry cloth Limited Too blouse I got for Yssa. Really nice! Anyway, my conversations with a few stallowners have only reinforced my relief at not deciding to join the bazaar this year. There is a different joy in being a shopper.
I was in Greenhills yesterday, too. Talk about Tiangge with a capital T! We found a parking space pretty quickly and entered the belly of the beast armed with our wallets and mental shopping lists. Going around the bazaar, checking out merchandise, over hearing some of the shopping debates between couples who give conjugal gifts, and elbowing ourselves through the crowd, reminded me why I stuck around the bazaar scene for 6 years... It's really being surrounded by the Holiday Chaos. There was something magical about it!
Lotsa magical stuff this weekend. The people at Ayala have yet again enthralled the public with their amazing fireworks display last weekend. It was a chorus of "OOOooohsss" and "Aaaaaaahhhs" as the colorful and sometimes dramatic show unfolded in the dark evening sky. It seemed silly at times, but in the end an awe-inspiring experience, leaving everyone with a fuzzy, warm, Christmasy feeling.
Uh oh. Enough blogging. Tis the work season... Better get back to the work grind...
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