Monday, September 17, 2007


This entry is for Paui.

I will not take full credit for this analogy. It was one late Saturday evening when Karina and I were going around the parking lot in Eastwood when this train of thought came to be.

Looking (and keeping) love is like looking for a free space in a parking lot. As a driver, you're not always sure if it's better to go around in circles, looking for a free space, or just staying put and waiting for someone to leave. There are times when you've gone around and around when alas! A car leaves and finding the free slot is a pleasant, unexpected surprise.

This scenario is also very possible... You see someone who's potentially leaving, so you position yourself (to take the parking space), make the signals (hazard light on). The free space is in sight, when suddenly, out of nowhere another car pulls a fast one on you and takes your space. A space which you've claimed rightfully yours.

Some parking slots differ in sizes. Some slots are the perfect fit for standard sized cars. There are big a** cars that try to fit themselves into smaller parking spaces, with so much difficulty. In Tagalog, "Pinipilit ang hindi kasya."

Most often, the longer you stay in a parking space/lot the more expensive the parking rate (I haven't taken into consideration those parking lots with flat rates).

Finding the parking space isn't the end of the journey. It is a prerequisite to the real purpose of travel. When you've tried your best to look for a space in a lot, but could not find any available space, transfering lots is an option worth considering. Perhaps the lot across the street (or two blocks away), might have some available space.

And finally, regardless of the size, shape, color, brand, make, or model of your car, all is fair in parking space. The sleekest BMW and the crappiest 1976 Toyota both have equal opportunities to look for a space. Sleeker, classier cars might get more attention or be given special care, but in the end, all is fair. Everyone needs a space.


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