Yummy with the De la Ramas
I had dinner with the De la Ramas today! At Pasto Eastwood. Yours truly was late... as usual. I tried a new route from Pioneer to Eastwood, which was kind of a mistake. I didn't realize how horrible the traffic could be along Ortigas Avenue. Never again!
Anyway, when I finally managed to go to Eastwood, I met up with the newly weds and we had pasta and pizza. Oo! Yummy sya. Mwahaha.

The Dela Ramas and I share the love for reading other people's blogs. We keep each other updated through these online diaries. As usual, Paolo had a ton of things to say which make me think. Some of my hunches he agreed with. I dunno if his radar is better than mine, but a voice inside my head says he might be mistaken. Then again, just like the movie "Memento", maybe I'm leading myself to believe in a certain something. Haha. Oh well. Who knows for sure anyway?
Awesome converstaions as usual, about raising kids, people who think they're cool, and a few other random things. I might be going with them to see Avenue Q! Whoppeee. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for available tickets.
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