Didn't just come here to enjoy my tall double shot espresso White Chocolate Mocha and Cinammon Swirl. Before I officially hit the books, I just have to blog a little. Hehe. I've been tired and uninspired lately, and I hope this move will start the juices pumping. I think what I've lost over the years is the discipline to do what I set out to do, to shut out everything else, and to concentrate on achieving a goal. Everything's come relatively easy for the past few years (relatively). Challenges at work have been aplenty recently. We've somehow attributed it to lack of good leadership and help which actually matters. I honeslty do not know how I will do two things at once. Ate Gret told me last night (after our laugh fest which lasted till about 530am!) to decide and to just choose one. Wish I could. But I can't. At this point. It's difficult when nothing seems absolutely sure and when I want to keep all my bases covered. Difficult when I want both badly and if it goes either way, I know I'd be happy. The rantings of an undecided girl. Complicate the mix with a little something else which might ultimately make me decide which is which. Haha. But that's been hanging in the air for far too long, I don't know what to think anymore. So I've decided to stop thinking about it at all.
How cryptic can I be?! With the wifi meter running and my coffee waning. You guys know what I'm talking about. Haha.
I'm at the beginning actually, of what should have been the end if things turned out a little differently from last year. My deadline's fast approaching (a little over a month left) and Irene has told me to postpone it a little more so I can have more time to prepare.
Crickey. Blogging isn't helping. So I better hit 'em books.
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