Maan loves this movie. I remember her grad write up. Ideal man? Jerry Maguire. I saw this movie when it first came out waaaay back 1996. i saw it with my blockmates at SM Megamall, and Lery and I had to ask everyone not to leave just yet because our eyes were swollen from crying. Haha. This movie immortalized the sentence, "You complete me", to which a lot of the romantic ladies swooned to, and a lot of single independent ladies protested to. On a lazy Saturday afternoon, after a filling dinner of chicken and pork adobo (and brownie ala mode for dessert), I was sprawled on the bed, watching Jerry Maguire. The movie ends with the viewers smiling. So nice.
I'm amazed at how you can watch a movie, which you've seen a dozen of times, with fresh eyes and find a new appreciation for it. Dorothy believed and loved Jerry first. For the "man he wants to be, and the man he almost is." Just today, I really love this line, "On the surface, everything seems fine. I've got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can't live like that. It's not the way I'm built." At least Dorothy didn't settle.
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