Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Buntong Hininga

"Buntong hininga" is the tagalog term for a deep sigh. Lately, I've been heaving several deep sighs because of pushy pushy co-workers who can't seem to grasp managing by capacity. And today, Ginoong Pikon and I had an encounter: a conversation which originally was meant for an exchange of opinions. As expected, my disagreement with his viewpoint resulted to the conversation quickly ending and his deletion of a nice email he drafted (and read to me). It was a good thing I had badminton today. It served as an outlet.

Today's incident made me think of several things.

** Certainly, this won't be the last of similar incidents. I've always been open to candid converstations, an exchange of ideas. I try to be open to the opinion of others, and I don't think mine is the best and is uncontestable. It was a reality check, that the next few months won't be an easy ride. But I have to constantly remind myself that IT IS A JOB. I'll allow myself to be bothered, but not more than a day. What matter most is that I know I do my best and have the best intentions for everyone.

** As much as I would like to believe that most people are selfless, the reality is we live in a world where the fittest survive.

** I miss my girlfriends. Our weekly meetings serve as my most-needed outlet. Kar has been quite busy lately and our schedules do not match. Keyce, Irene, and Maan are far away, and it seems silly to bother them with my everyday rantings and ravings. Sports and physical activities help a lot. Schmenten is just a yakitiyak. She needs to let it out in words, with feelings, and gesticulations.

** Our SQA rep observed this morning, that I'm an extreme. When I'm happy, I'm extremely happy (noisy, makulit), and when I'm not, I'm just quiet. Haha. Quite astute. Well, I'm just transparent that way.

Oh well. I'm just glad today's over. I feel better now. Writing about it. Thanks for reading.


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