Breaking my blog silence
It's been two weeks almost since my last blog... now I'm breaking my silence... latest happenings --
I have just recently rediscovered my love for the Eraserheads, famed local band responsible for the Filipino alternative movement in the early 90s. Their songs are sooo reminiscent of college days. Pretty universal, I would say. Across all colleges and universities. And because of Hero's BCuz of U, I've found a new love for "With a Smile", hence the presence of the E-heads Anthology CD on my player for the past three days.

I sooo love this song! Something I would like my soon-to-be-boo to sing to me. Lyrics to go...
With a Smile by the Eraserheads
Lift your head, baby, don't be scared
Of the things that could go wrong along the way
You'll get by with a smile
You can't win at everything but you can try.
Baby, you don't have to worry
'Coz there ain't no need to hurry
No one ever said that there's an easy way
When they're closing all their doors
And they don't want you anymore
This sounds funny but I'll say it anyway.
Girl I'll stay through the bad times
Even if I have to fetch you everyday
I'll get by if you smile
You can never be too happy in this life.
In a world where everybody
Hates a happy ending story
It's a wonder love can make the world go round
And don't let it bring you down
And turn your face into a frown
You'll get along with a little prayer and a song.
(Too doo doo...)
Let me hear you sing it
(Too doo doo...)
In a world where everybody
Hates a happy ending story
It's a wonder love can make the world go round
But don't let it bring you down
And turn your face into a frown
You'll get along with a little prayer and a song.
Lift your head, baby, don't be scared
Of the things that could go wrong along the way
You'll get by with a smile
Now it's time to kiss away those tears goodbye
(Too doo doo...)
Let me hear you sing it
(Too doo doo
Huge thanks to E-heads to, for my sudden longing for a soon-to-be-boo from U.P. Someone a little offbeat and quirky, who I can bring anywhere! Down-to-earth, but with a killer sense of humor, spanning all classes. Someone adds a tad of "Funky-ness" to his wardrobe, but is still presentable. In Hollywood, he'll be like, Johnny-Depp meets Conan O' Brien. Perfect!
More thoughts these past few days...
Oh, change will always be constant. Change here and there. Change everywhere. Good to be prepared for change, but not so good expecting a lot from it either. I've been with Accenture for the past four years (officially on the 19th of February). Big thanks to Accenture for my professional IT experience, people I've met, memorable fireworks display, gangs I belong to, 3 trips to the US, a trip in Singapore, and another one in Hong Kong. I was talking to my Dad this week, and he was telling me I better decide where I want to stay long term. I'm friggin' 25, not getting any younger. Made me think about how all our decisions, post college graduation, pretty much affect us in a huge, huge way! We make decisions, and these decisions drive us to where we're going.
Bigger question looming in the horizon : where do I really want to go anyway? So easy to dream of the life I want to have, but pretty difficult to decide how to get there, and which dreams are worth pursuing.
Hehe. Small serious section right there. Moving along...
The Fiesta ng Tondo last Sunday was super fun! There was a lot of people singing to "Viva viva Sto. Nino!" and a whole lot more drinking the afternoon away. Mr. Jose Cuervo was in our midst once again. Haha! Musings in writing : Since when did we become the drinking family? Hehe! But good fun though, good fun.
American Idol just started by the way... Still can't believe how some of these parents encourage their children who are terrible-singers. Baffling.
Weekend's here! Yahoo! More blogging hopefully next week.
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