The Year That Was...
The best of 2004...
The places I've been to :
Uh_huh2004 : My best US trip thus far! Had a blast with my girl pals! Best moment - laughing ourselves to a stomach ache, while watching Maan do her Ignition Remix rendition, cross-eyed, at the local I-Hop.

Singapore_Sling_2004 : Super fun with the Bausas sisters in Singapore! To me, Sing is the New York of Asia. A melting pot of cultures and a promise of strong purchasing power to whomever works there! Vitamin Zara kept me alive! Best moment - reminiscing about our high school pals while on our way to the Night Safari.

Boracay_Babies_2004 : Redefining family vacay! A week after getting back from the US, I was whisked away to the sunny island of Boracay, the grandest family vacay in the recent history of the Tanquilut family... with the Torreses, Tita Marison, and Lola in tow, we painted Boracay red! Best moment - Lounging around Station 2 beach while drinking a Mango Melon shake.

Weddings I've planned...
Started the year with the bang - Arteta-Torres Wedding. This one oughta go to the history books. Tis the most I cried on a wedding. The father-daughter dance was just heart-wrenching... but in a good way! We all came out of the reception hall loving ourselves a tad more.
And not to be outdone, the Desiderio-Mendoza Wedding was a feast for the eyes. The lovely set-up at Cafe Bremante raised the romance notch. The gowns were simply delightful. Vibrant in colors! Show stealers : MTV of friends and family! And the father-daughter dance.... It's "Awwwwww" with a capital A.
The last wedding of the year, the Olarte-Sanchez Wedding was impeccably executed! Grade A! Everyone was game for the "kissing game", and couples in the audience found themselves feeling extra sweet to their partners. Food was superb! And the couple, impressed and grateful beyond words.
Movies I saw and loved...
Numero Uno... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Charlie Kauffman is a genius. Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet were perfect as Joel and Clementine. Although I've never been in a relationship, I was just deeply moved by the sadness of erasing someone from your memory and regretting it along the way.
Dos por dos... Spiderman 2 and The Bourne Supremacy 2. These sequels just outdid their predecessors! The loved the humanity of the super hero, as shown in Spiderman 2. And Matt Damon just blew me away! The movie is the best action flick I've seen ever! I'm no fan of action movies, though, so don't take my word for it. Hehe. But it was great!
Tres for us loveless...My Sassy Girl and Before Sunset. As the end credits rolled for each of these movies, I had suddenly longed for an extraordinary twist of fate and a second chance at love. These two movies fueled the romantic in their viewers. My new-found love for Korean entertainment led me to My Sassy Girl (wish I can be someone's Sassy girl!), and my low expectations brought me to Before Sunset (wish I can share a meaningful and interesting conversation).
Incredible at the Fourth of July....The Incredibles! In a nutshell... Incredible! It wasn't just a cartoon... it was movie! Story-telling and character development were wonderful and gracefully done.
Five-Os....Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Bridget Jones Diary 2, and Mean Girls . Not exactly related to each other, but these three movies I loved too! Alfonso Cuaron did a fantastic job with Harry. The look and feel of the movie was darker than its two precedeccors. Bridget Jones. I loved her because of Mark Darcy. Nuf said! And Mean Girls.... Lindsay Lohan is a teen princess! This movie was all about laughs!
ETC and so much more...
The rebirth of cable television! Not since our first month of subscription to Sky Cable has our household been so enthralled with the telly. ETC was the channel to watch, introducing to fabulous shows!!!
Numero uno on the TV list... The O.C.! The obsession began when I chanced upon the first episode. Lizjoy was crazy about this show, and I wanted to find out for myself what the fuss was all about... hence rushing home early on Tuesday to catch the 9PM show, and the purchasing of the quite expensive 27 disc set of the first season. I loved Ryan in the first episode, Mr. Brooding with the messianic complex. Then swept away by Seth and his wit in the tenth episode. As I had described it after episode one, "It's like Beverly Hills 90210 meets Dawson's Creek, minus the philosophical mumbo jumbo."

The most fabulous queers ever.... Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Carson, Kyan, Ted, Jai, and Thom all became household names... well, at in my household at least.

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