[Movie Schmovie] Pirates of the Carribean 3, At the World's End

Saturday movie marathon! After seeing Shrek 3, we then saw Pirates. Okie... so it was only 45 minutes into the movie did it make sense. Haha. There were so many subplots, so many double crossing, and so many thick accents that I was lost during the first part of the movie. "Ano daw?!" Haha. But it eventually made sense. I don't think the writers intended a trilogy, which is why the three Pirates movies don't really mesh well together. Johnny Depp is exquisite as always. Orlando Bloom.... Now, I've become sort of a fan during the second Pirates. Hehe. He looks good as a non-goodie-goodie guy. Keira Knightley I've grown to love because of Pride and Prejudice. Great cast. Wish the story was better. The extra two minutes at the very end of the credits was worth the wait. Aptly put after the credits.
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