Elections and What Not
Monday today. Election Day. Us registered voters in the household went to Elementary School behind the Paranaque City Hall to vote. Okie. So I voted for Pichay. Didn't vote for any candidate in showbusiness. Deng, how can you trust their first priority to be service to the country when you see them everyday in TV?! (With the exceptions of the very able Vilma Santos)''
Random Thoughts from the long weekend...
** Still itchy. I think this is really because of the heat. And my allergies. I've stopped takiing the meds because they make me sleepy during the day. Coffee won't just do it for me. I am pretty thankful that the last few evenings, I've had a good night's sleep. Prolly because I haven't had any sleep last Friday evening. And I'm pretty beat from all the errands and gatherings as of late.
** Skype is a true wonder of technology. I've been talking to my cousins and titas and titos using Skype, and we continue to be amazed at how easy and FREE our converstations are. Thank you Mac Mac II for the oh-so-clear webcam! Considering we're WiFi at home, the connection speed is pretty good still. Last week, Ate Gret and I spoke for three days straight. This weekend... I think we spoke three times as well. Haha. Love, love, love my conversations with her. Ranging from the silliest... to the most dramatic. Haha. I will wear your I Heart NY nightshirt Ate Gret! Let's see if it'll work its magic on me. Haha.
** My Amazon stash has arrived. So far, I've ripped the Ben Folds Live CD (amazing), the two Pheonix albums (According to Wikipedia, they're a french group! With affiliations to Daft Punk!), and Imogen Heap's latest album. Just this morning, I saw Colin Firth's Pride and Prejudice. My oh my. Now I know why the whole of Great Britain loves this dude as Mr. Darcy. Why Helen Fielding had him in mind while creating the character Mark Darcy for Bridget Jones' Diary. He is very effective as the proud and conceited lead.
** In relation to my previous random thought... What is it about these "masungit" guys? The Mr. Darcys in the world? Hehe. Women are naturally drawn to them! Despite the fact that they openly ignore you, safeguard their feelings like a 18th century virgin to her chastity, and sometimes be plain indifferent and snotty?! Maybe this is the equivalent to why guys are into girls who are "pakipot", those who play hard to get. I swear, so many times when I found myself foolishly smiling in front of Mac Mac II, scenes where Mr. Darcy would catch a glimpse of Ms. Bennet. Awww....

Seeing this miniseries has made me appreciate the 2 hour long movie adaptation even more. They packed all the good stuff there. And how they were able to weave Lizzy and Mr. Darcy's love story in 120 minutes. Waaaaah... "You have bewitched me body and soul..." Ok. Must stop here. This line has made it to several of my blog entries already.

** I'm off to Jakarta this weekend! I've to iron out all the details with Irene before leaving.... AND finish up with all the work related stuff. Oh no. I could not have picked a worst time to leave. PRAM week. This should be interesting. I leave late Friday evening. I'm looking forward to long conversations with Irene, to meeting Arief, sampling the yummy and spicy Indo food, and shopping. They say it's better than Bangkok (haha... you picked the wrong shopper to make this claim). I'll be the judge of that. Will need to start packing this Thursday though. I reckon I'll be going straight to the airport from the office. Exciting weekend, this will be.

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