What a day
Argh. I am just happy this day is finally over. Close to hellish. The people from the other project (from Manila, Singapore, and Sydney) have been pulling us left and right, over and above. My other projectmate just couldn't take it. She just started crying in front of the monitor! I had to calm her down and tell her that we can help her out if she feels harrassed.
This project is truly something else. And I think we will hit the climactic apex of hell in the next two weeks, just before the RFS date of our neighboring project. Pressure just brings out the best and the worst in people. We're doing a million things all at once, and I think we're being spread too thinly. It's just frustrating at times, knowing that if you were two able persons (two versions of your self), you'd get everything done. But then you're just one person, so we gotta make the most of what we have.
I was ranting about work to Keyce again (sorry Keyce and you've become my sounding board). And we were saying that now that we have more responsibilties as AMs, we're more accountable for the performance of the team. The intention to make things better is there, but then when you're doing a million other things, it just becomes hard. Haaay. I'm just glad today's over.
I had lunch at around 430pm! And then another round of meetings. I kept Mike's passport hostage the entire day. And made fun of his evolution passport pics. He will be away on vacay for two weeks and we're all envious. Perfect timing.
Haaay. I want a vacay myself. I'm still pondering on my vacay plans this October. It makes better sense if I move it to late November (just in time for Thanksgiving weekend). But I'm not sure if I'll have enough to make the trip worthwhile.
Anyway, the day ended on a good note. I met up with Keyce and we had dinner at Fish and Co., where we ordered New York Fish and Chips and Grilled Porkchop Basilico. We then saw Ratatouille (separate entry later).

It's nice to know that although bad days seemingly drag on till forever, they don't. The bad day ends, and in comes a new day (which could go either way).
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