Friday, February 22, 2008

Oui Oui

Okie. So today, the brothers and I went to the French Embassy for our Schegen visa application. We had all our docs ready. Itineraries, travel vouchers, etc. Their embassy is very different from the UK Embassy. There were a couple of applicants (less then 30 groups) and it was slightly chaotic. Slightly. Hehe. Applicants spend about 10 minutes in the "payment window". The interview itself with the consul follows the payment. The consul/interviewer was a Pinoy. He asked probing questions about the trip, my brothers' courses, etc. I could almost smell the croissant (and I could see Frenchie Dy eating it). Almost. The consul asked us about our Hotel Vouchers. The ones we have aren't enough. He assures us that it's no biggie. We just need to request them from Rajah (the Travel Agent). We should return on the 7th of March with our hotel vouchers and they can issue the VISA on the same day.

I guess it went well, more or less. The likelihood of getting the VISA is pretty high. Otherwise, he could have easily pointed out what other documents are missing.

Ermin was helpful. He said he'd call the embassy to ask if he could be authorized to provide the hotel vouchers and bring the passports back for VISA stamping on our behalf. He'll keep me updated.

Whilst I pray for our VISAs, I've also included in my conversations with God, my fervent hope that Rommel will do well in all his subjects (as he always does).

April's so near, yet so far away.


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