Friday, August 08, 2008

Schmenten's Guide to Being Healthy

Lately, I've taken an interest in fitness (hence entries about running). I've been cringe-y and blue lately, but I've assured my friends that I'm actually still happy, generally speaking. Now my thoughts wander around overall health and well-being. Here's my personal list of things I do (errr, for some, "try" to do) to stay healthy...

** Keep a sunny disposition. Look for the silver lining in every situation. Think of the goodness in people. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.

** Live in the now and worry not about things you cannot change nor control.

** Engage in some physical activity. In other words... Exercise! Haha. At least twice a week. The body is the vessel of the soul/spirit, and we experience life's greatest and simplest pleasures through it.

** Eat! Eat something delicious at least once a day. Eat just right.

** Have an outlet! Be it blogging, painting, boxing... There are certain emotions we keep bottled in, for whatever reason. As Mr. Love Notes famously said, "Letting it out can make a big difference."

** Forgive. Forget. Let Go.

** Have your fair share of girlie bonding moments (this entry for girls). Girlie friends double as therapists. Talking (ranting or raving) or just being there for each other on a regular basis, will do wonders for your sanity.

** Spend time with family. They'll love and be there for you no matter what.

** Nurture your spiritual relationship. Hear mass, attend service, go to temple. It's your personal relationship with Him. Work on it as well.

** Share your joys with someone.

** Continue to learn new things. Make new friends.

** Love yourself! If you know you can do more, push yourself. But cut youself some slack at times.

Hmm... This could be a growing list. :-) This is all I have for now.


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