Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Nobody Does It Better

I simply love the opening chords of this Carly Simon classic. Ever-present in the 007 movie tunes, this 70s song has been a regular resident of my Media Player since I bought my Bridget Jones soundtrack.

Nobody does it better, makes me feel sad for the rest

Such a cocky song, and yet so praising. Talk about putting someone on a pedestal! Haha!

I don't exactly know how this relates to my random musings for the day... I don't think it does! Haha!

Pennies, Nickles, and Dimes for my thoughts...

It's 2:41 AM and I am still logged in, waiting for an email from my US counterpart. Classic Testing day. I was in the office before ten, out a little before 1, and back on line before 2. What a life. My back craves for the bed, my neck for my favorite soft pillows, and my legs (bless them for being in tact despite my undignified fall this afternoon near Rustans)... argh.... just to rest them. And most tired of all, my eyes! My eyes have been used and abused a dozen times over.

How can you tell if you're just tired or if you're at the edge of sanity? Is there an opportune time to throw in the towel and just give up? When are greener pastures truly greener? If a pasture is somewhat yellow-ish green, is it still worth the pursuit? Haha... my lame attempts at metaphor.

Do these long nights actually translate to anything tangible (besides eye maletas)? Anything I will remember five years for now and still be thankful for?



At 11:12 AM, Blogger rotsss said...

are credit card bills tangible enough? ahaha

haller ten ten =P


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