Tired and Stuffed
Because I slept at 3 AM last night, my body has yet to fully recover from the lack of bed-time. I had to drag my sorry huge ass out of bed this morning to get to the office just in time for my 9 AM Interview. Oooooh... Mental note to self: So many to dos I need to finish before i bid UBP adieu (which still doesn't seem like a reality because of the non-existence of my deployment notice). I hafta:
(1) Complete the TSI forms
(2) Hand over all my tasks to whomever
(3) Send out Communications Committee emails
(4) Clear my stuff!
Although I have a pretty good feeliing (me instincts are pretty right on target most of the time!) that I will be going to Cybergate the week after next. I'm feeling kinda sad about it. Life has been good in UBP. :-D It's been like a vacation so far... A vacation after some more recent hell-ish work-years. Hehehe!

Tomorrow, our project will have our very first team building at Brazil! Brazil! I'm pretty psyched! All 18 of us! I wish we could have done the Team Building sooner. I hope to have pictures to post soon!
Random Thoughts for the day...
(1) Set interim goals. Yes. Tis important to set long term goals. But getting there (the journey) is a goal in itself! So better set interim goals for 'em long term ones. Just so we have milestones and checks along the way.
(2) Macky told us yesterday that Bryan Singer (X-Men and Superman Returns director extraordinaire) is openly gay!! How cool is that?!
(3) Macky also revealed that in the season finale of Will and Grace, Jack ends up with "Well, well, well"-Beverly Lesley!!! The thought of them together just makes me smile! Haha!
(4) My average daily internet time outside the office is about 1.5 hours!! Corz me gottsa spend QT with MacMac.
(5) Coldplay concert at the back of my mind... I joined that MTV Asia contest. I wonder who won.
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