Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bridal Shower

Yesterday evening, despite my runny nose, heavy head, and impending fever, I went to Rosan's Bridal Shower. I owed it to Monica, Rosan's sister who is the most masipag sister of the bride ever, to attend.

Mariless and I went together. She was lucky enough to have found our grade three and four class pictures. Monica certainly knew how to throw a party!! Awesome drinks, great food and pica pica, and super fun games! We had to create a wedding gown made of one roll of tissue paper. I designed an ethnic inspired gown for my model, but at the end of the game, it was Nica's rose accent which won her the prize. Mariless could barely move in her super chic dress!

The evening was just filled with laughter and often times raunchy humor. Haha! We were all surprised at what Rosan's friends from Youths For Christ gave for marital and sex advice.Who knew?!

We made a somewhat premature exit at 1:30am. I originally wanted to leave earlier because of how I was feeling, but I didn't regret staying. It was fun! Fun seeing Rosan get drunk and meeting these new girls.


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