Silent HIll on a Sunday

Because of my brothers' and cousins' constant prodding, we went to see Silent Hill yesterday in ATC. The movie's based on this PS2 game my brothers used to play. Movie review in a nutshell... what a waste of movie moolah. Rotten Tomatoes support me, rating the movie a measly 27%. I like what this one film reviewer wrote, "Striking visuals tell a story where words aren't necessary ... until that turning point, when dull dialogue, a complicated plot and cheesy graphics start to muddle things." -- Mark Collete. My thoughts exactly.
After the movie, we had a pizza and chicken fest at Shakey's. Yummeee! I'm kinda wishing now that I saved the three remaining slices of Garlic and Cheese pizza for moi... But it's all good. I think Kuya Ariel enjoyed the left overs yesterday (we saw him in Ruins and gave him a ride home). We thoroughly enjoyed the company of the Munar boys, Edrick and Pao. Entertainment for the price of pizza. And sometimes a Starbucks treat. Hehe.
I slept early last night. We were supposed to watch "Kicking and Screaming" on DVD. But I fell asleep while waiting for the boys to finish their NBA Live game.
Tooday I will be visiting my Gutierrez girls! I'm pretty excited! I miss those buggers! But I need to be home before 8PM of course! Project Runway is on tonight!
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