13 hours straight
I'm on my second day of 13 hours straight spent in the office. Just as we've predicted, the first two days of this very long two weeks have been... Lemme think of the suitable adjectives... Chaotic, frustrating, irritating. Hehe. The weekend's implementation actually went smoothly. Yesterday and today though. Not good. Probably qualified to be in the list of the top five worst days ever in the history of the project. Slows and time outs because of long running SQLs, because of this SRF change (mwo-mwo-mwo-mwo...). I can't help but feel guilty, wondering if I could have done something to prevent it. Haay.
It's been one email on top of another. People from Singapore, Sydney and Manila, calling and emailing! Follow-ing up all their "high priority" defects and issues. Deng. I've always been the loves-to-talk-over-the-phone person, but I have to say. Tis the first time I dread picking up the phone.
Highlight of my day though (silver lining) is this simply ingenious snack. My cereal mixed with a single serving of Nestle yougurt. Funny man Angelo, who's been as busy as I am, made this suggestion and we happily shared.

Surprisingly, my workday gimiks have lessened these past few weeks. I think work has taken up so much of my time and energy. Props to our trusty coffee press and the ground Cafe Verona. Just what I needed this morning.
How boring is this entry?! Hehe. All about work. I must say though. Although it's super exhausting, there is a sense of accomplishment after a day of doing so many things. I just wish I had more time to do other things (not relating to work).
Random thoughts for the day...
** Been on a gastronomical trip down memory lane. Last weekend, I was sooo happy to find a place close to our house where they sell Magnolia Ice Cream (which in my opinion, is the best local ice cream!). I bought half a gallon of Mocha ice cream and Tonton has appreciatively finished a third! I remember happy memories with my Dad in the Magnolia Ice Cream house. Today, for dinner, I asked our helper to prepare Maggi noodle soup for my dinner. I remember always having Maggi noodles for merienda back in grade school. Sarap lang. And quite amazing how food (or the taste of food) reminds us of things/memories/people good and bad. Just like songs.
** Happy Anniversary! You were right. It wasn't the end. It was just the beginning. Took me my surprise. I've learned a lot about myself. Some things I'm now more sure of. Thank you.
** Thanks Citibank! I got my credit card bill today and I was floored when I saw the finance charges. Dengit. I called Citibank and they've agreed to reserve the charges. I've been with Citibank for 6 years now, and I've never requested for finance charge reversal. Haaay. I should try leaving my card at home. I've been trying to save lately. No shopping sprees for the past three weeks!
** Irene is flying back to Manila before the weekend. Woohoo!
hey tenners... i just realized it is my 4th yr anniversary today with accenture....CRAP!
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