Sunday, August 05, 2007

Una Mas about Trabajo

(This entry is brought to you by Grouchy's comment in the CBOX)

Ye ye ye ye. I've become Miss Predictable. This entry is in fact about work. I was asked to be the FIM in yesterday's PT implementation of the Semaphores (mwo-mwo-mwo). It's not really part of my responsibilities (implementation), but then again, we sort of have to be a jack of all trades. Especially lately when we're all out of resources.

I arrived at the office a little past 5:30. AM . Had a ten minute lunch break at 3. Left the office at little past 6 pm. When I arrived at home before 8 pm (weekend traffic and all), I just had a bowl of Maggi noodles, opened the telly to watch (and cry over ) the last few scenes of "In Her Shoes", and then I was off to lala land, sleeping my implementation woes away. And that, ladies and gents, is how I spent my Saturday.

In non-work related news... Keyce and I met up Friday evening. We had dinenr at Pazzo and we ordered the same stuff which Pesem and I ordered a few months ago. Blue Ragu, Carbonara (bambino), and Pizza Pazzo Calzone. Yummmeeee.... Friday was another crazy work day. Although I had promised Keyce I'll be out of the office before7, I arrived at MSE at 9 (with a couple more emails I had intended to send but remained unwritten). Keyce has seen "The Simpsons" as well, and we were talking about our favorite scenes. I asked her, "Sino yung band sa opening nung movie ulet?" She immediately answered, so sure of herself, "Green Department!" Hahaha. We just laughed and laughed. She immediately corrected herself. "Green Day," she said emphatically.

Keyce may be off somewhere in the next month. I've been very selfish because I don't want her to leave. She and I started talking about living abroad, the expenses. She said she had to get a car. How else will she get from one place to another during the winter months? I then suggested getting an RV. Hitting two birds with one stone. Haha.

Friday night, it felt good to rant about work. Keyce understood our project's dilemma completely. Her old project had the same problems. I later confessed that I actually do want to see the project move out of the red zone and for the process to be more stable. I felt guilty about the chaos. Maybe it's that accountability bit about being one of the more senior members of the team. Or maybe I just have a messianic complex. I don't want to leave the project in its current state.... Yuck. Bottom line. I care. Anobeh.

Sunday today, and I'm waiting for the Yaps (Sheryl's, my cousin, family) to get ready for church. I asked if they wanted to see the Mall of Asia this afternoon (they're from Pampanga and they've never been). Unwinding time for Schmenten. I've been meaning to go shopping since Friday evening. Retail therapy!


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