The Weekend
What a weekend. A classic manifestation of my obvious weak spot as well as my crazy head. Argh.
Saturday, I didn't have the best sleep and I had Friday left overs for lunch. I rushed to Philway Travel lunch time to get the Contiki brochures Tita Chit left for me. Woohoo. I'm pretty excited about the trip we're planning for next year. Mental note to self... Confirm with Rommel about his academic calendar for April next year. Saturday afternoon, I met up with the girls at Beadholic. Darnit. It was just beading and bonding from there. I had merienda, dinner, and my midnight snack at the girls' home in Agana. When I'm with the girls, it's just sooo hard to leave.
Sunday was play day with the Dela Ramas. We later had dinner at Fish and Co. Yes it was Yummy. Haha. We all had Fish and Chips. Tsalap. I heard the last mass at our church and although I had arrived during the homily, I think I got what I came for. Some guidance and probably a couple of "signs". Hehe. The priest shared, "You cannot serve two masters."
More random thoughts from the weekend...
I took this picture last Wednesday, when I met up with Irene, Karina, and Rommel at the Powerplant mall. When we passed by this structure, I felt melancholic. This is actually the beginnings of that big Christmas Tree beside the mall, which last year, was orange, I think. The sadness was out of the realization that the holidays were approaching again. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong. Maybe it's that thought that it will be a Christmas like any other, rather than a Christmas like no other. Hehe. Or maybe I remember the feeling I had when I saw it last year, November 6, 2006.

Beads and more beads. We now know why one can be a "beadaholic". I'm a huge earring fan. And making these cute stuff is actually pretty relaxing. Ate Love and I have decided to go into business together. Haha. For the first time in about three years, Schmenten will be joining the St. James Bazaar. What's for sale this year?? Accessories! Will be getting some stuff in BKK this November, but we'll be making most of the others on the inventory. The girls are pretty excited! Ina will be making more bracelets, while Camille will be making the brochures about the semi-precious stones. Ate Love is our designer and my partner. Hehe! We've asked Tita Alda if she's interested to join. She'll think about it. Hehe. This year will not be about making money. Of course, we'd like to get the rent back. Hehe. It's more for fun! Kinda missed the bazaar scene.

I was pretty excited about our next enterprising endeavor, when I went home last night. Popsicles was his practical self and asked me, "How will you find time to study?" OK. Good question. I'm pretty tied up as it is (with work and all). Then there's Rosan's wedding this November. I maybe digging myself a deeper hole. I can't help but wonder why I'm doing this to myself.
At mass today, I was reminded that I should take charge of my life, and quit letting things happen by themselves. I think I've had that complacent attitude for the past year. I looked up what "complacent" means and I just had to smile: "Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned" (from
And so with a renewed feeling of purpose, I went to Santana Grove and christened the Mocha Blends there with some study time. I reviewed from 915 till about 1145. The first few questions I had tried out, from this reviewer I got from Riza, were as tough as Sadako's nails! Dengit. I felt more stupid than when I was blanky staring at the ABAP screen back when I was a developer. I could hear the words, "why am I doing this to myself?" inside my head. And a couple of, "do I really want this?" Argh. I remember how much I disliked math. And then I reminded myself that perhaps all this attitude is not helping me to become more productive.
The coffee I had at Mocha Blends... wasn't all that great. Hehe. I chose it over Starbucks, which was a coupld of doors away, precisely because it wasn't Starbucks. I wanted something different for a change. Oh well. I had my back on the door and my iPod on (playing classical music).

At the end of this Sunday, I felt good, that I at least spent some time doing something productive. I realized that i also need a study plan. I need to cover the basics first before diving into the tough questions.
Haaaaay Schmenten. So confused pa rin.
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