Backlog Blog: Nov 21
Since I've acquired my work laptop, I've had very little instant messaging time. Maintaining both email accounts has been a challenge. My to do list grows throughout the day. And an officemate noticed how frequently I jumped from one screen to another. IT-ADHD.
I try to reassure myself that at least I got the Team Building budget calculation done for this quarter. Phew. A few things here and there are getting done, too. Lots of follow ups to do. A few more people to meet throughout the week, and a wedding to host this Friday! The busyness of the season is slowly creeping up behind me.
At home this weekend, we had to do a lot of serious sorting. The stuff we stashed away in the attic had to be classified. For Throwing Away. For Giving Away. For Keeping. I figured, if it's something I lived without for the past two years, then it's worth throwing away. I'm such a sentimental pack rat, I've come to realize as I saw Flor and Jinky extract folders of papers from the big box of stuff. I kept my high school notes and handouts!! I guess a few years ago, I thought I would need them!
There were a couple of things I couldn't part with still. Like this notebook where I wrote "spur of the moment poems". I'm sure grammatically and thought-wise, they could have been done better, but it's living proof I was creative (or was trying to be) when I was younger. Hehe.
Funny how you think you need certain things, and if they're out of your sight, you forget about them. This reminds us about material attachments. We shouldn't have them, really. Keep just what you need around. Otherwise, you end up having more junk.
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