Thursday, May 11, 2006

Schmenten's had a bad day...

... To be sung in the tune of the immensely popular Daniel Powter song. Argh! I can't wait for tomorrow! I hope it's a better day. *Sigh!* I shall try to find the silver lining in these dark, very gloomy nimbus clouds!

American Idol results : I'm still in denial that Chris Daughtry, my bet to snag the A.I. title this year got the boot. When Ryan Seacrest told him he was going him, he was in shock! I think everyone was in shock! Everybody thought it would be a Chris-Kat show in the finale. Yesterday, I said an Elliot-Chris show would be perfect. I guess America has voted...and America doesn't know a damn thing about deserving idols! I hope it's a Taylor-Elliot face-off. Pretty please! No more McPheeling!

A.I. Silver lining... I have no doubt Chris will make it big someday. He sounds very contemporary. I hope he makes a record whose sales will scoff at this year's idol's record sales (well... assuming McPheeling wins...And I cringe at the thought).

iTunes Fiasco : Last night, because of my failure to get my iPod's synching settings right, I had inadvertently deleted my previously saved songs (which I ripped for for friggin hours last week! My blood, sweat, and tears!). Argh argh argh.

iTunes Fiasco silver lining ... Now I know. And knowing is half the battle. ARGH! I still can't think of a silver lining from that nimbus cloud.


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