Still DSL-less...
Crap! I am still stuck in Netopia-dom because the friggin DSL dudes do not know what the hell is wrong my our modem. I have a feeling that we are internet-less precisely because our modem is jurassic! I think it's the first model of modems which came out. Anyway... I am sooo hoping that they get it fixed because looking over your shoulder while typing your everyday, mundane thoughts is soooo not cool. Hehehe!
Think happy thoughts... said James M. Barry. Happy thoughts as of late...
(1) Apple's MacBook - available only in the Apple Store site. I am loving this laptop! I finally straightened out the billing address problem with the American Express and Apple folks. Hopefully, I will cease to be laptop-less on June 3 (when Suzie arrives with my new Apple baby). Droool...

(2) American Idol Finals - Please, please let it be Taylor! I would very much like to see an American Idol who I actually like. Didn't like Fantasia. Didn't like Carrie (not so much coz I didn't like her per se, but I just love love love Bo). I like Taylor Hicks! Gyrating, Sesame-Street-looking groucho and all. I hope he wins (and not Katharine McPheeling).

I'm feeling a little down lately. And a little loopy. Mood Swings. There you go. Two words that sum it all up. I don't even know why exactly.
Tomorrow Karina and I will be meeting with Macky to bid him a jolly farewell and to hand over our presents for Maan. I hope she likes it.
Oooooh... My Yahoo friend reports that Zara is on ZALE!! Do I dare leave my credit card at home??
Paint Ball scheduled this weekend with my favorite girls (Ina, Iris, and Yssa), Chad, and the parental units. I hope they have fun. I think 12 year olds will enjoy running around and shooting each other with paint balls right?
Ok... time to update the family blogger...
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