Thursday, June 26, 2008

Please be careful

A close family friend of ours had the worst day of his life. He and his driver were out in Tomas Morato late last night (he was withdrawing money from Metrobank) when a group of five men attacked them, taking their white Grandia van by force. His driver was beaten severely and our family friend was shot on his side. There were people in the streets, but no one helped them. The driver was thankfully still conscious, so he called for help using our family friend's cellphone. It was 4am in Tomas Morato, not a policeman in sight. The two victims were rushed to the hospital right after, and they're both still in critical condition.

Friends, please be careful!

Avoid withdrawing during late hours.
Be wary of groups of dubious men.
And please, know that your lives are far more important and valuable than money or anything material.


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