The Next Big Thing
I've been sitting on my thoughts recently, and I've articulated them to my friend Suzette a few hours ago, while she and I were chatting up a storm at my casa de coffee (a.k.a. Starbucks 6750, where everybody knows your name, just like Cheers). 2005 has extended my thread of patience to the outer limits. From how things are going, I somehow have the feeling that I shall be declared the 26-year-long running champ of the waiting game. I'm tired of seeing great things, and major life-altering changes to other people. Not to say that I am not happy for them myself. Everyone deserves to be happy. And so do I, I say. I heave another sigh of relief and my face contorts to another frown. Waiting and waiting and waiting.

I'm just so tired of work, of being in a company whose standards say I am a mediocre employee. Life is too short not to do things which makes you happy, Suzie had said. So very true. Jozie's thoughts... I am wasting the best years of my life in this project. And I agree. I want to do so much more, be in a better place... But there is only so much my "willing" will be able to do. I am a believer of fate. How some things are meant to be, and some which just aren't.

So what? And when?
My two favorite questions for now. When will the next big thing for me take place? And what's the next big thing??