Monday, June 21, 2004

The Bangles were really up to something : "Just another manic Monday!" Perfectly put and universal! Haha! What is it with the beginning of the work week which dampens anyone's spirits?

--> Long week ahead, nothing to look forward to
--> Tuesday always seems to be a better day
--> Queueing of weekly tasks (things we have to do, things we don't want to do)
--> Four more grueling days to go before the weekend
--> Caffeine in take never enough

Oh well, Thursdays and Fridays wouldn't be as fun if Mondays weren't around to compare them with.

On the lighter note, I'm pretty psyched that our computer at home is working! DSL back on and faster than ever! Cool cool cool! Hope it stays virus free!

Monday, June 14, 2004

Bum bum bummer... Coffee ain't that good for caffeine infested minds.

Still bummed over my COBOL program not working. Although there is contestable progress. Hehehe. Now, it's able to read a single record instead of no record at all. Pretty comforting. Must mean my loop is working. MUST!

The tone of the day took a turn for the better after our brief team meeting. We discussed work-related matters, but laughed about a few funny comments thrown here and there.

Laughter is indeed the best medicine!! Laughter should ring the halls and cubicles of office space. It keeps employees sane! Reaffirms that things aint that bad, and that people share the same apprehensions. It feels nice to not feel alone in the world. Maybe that's what pushes people to the tip of their sanity. I therefore recommend at least 2 one-minute unadulterated laughter everyday!

Friday, June 11, 2004

Tis 11 minutes before 8 and I'm stuffed! Just had breakfast with my teammates, but I'm still under the sleepy spell.... ZzzZzzZzzz...

What I want to do right now ... Get on a plane to the US, shop, watch the telly and just sleep myself to a hundred years.

Yesterday, we had an electrical problem at home. So we ended up sleeping in my bedroom (or rather, the guest room). Oh my! All seven of us! 3 guys on the floor and 4 peeps on the bed. I think I like falling asleep before 12MN. But I think 10 PM is still ideal.

Saw 50 first dates yesterday. Towards the end of the movie, Drew's character shares with Adam Sandler that although she doesn't remember knowing him, he is always in her dreams. There was a part in the movie where Drew's doctor explains sleep has a lot to do with our making new memories. This leads me into thinking that my forgetfulness could be because of sleep deprivation... Hmmm....

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

"Silent Majority"

I like these two words together. I was at my niece's beeday party, talking to my aunt when she mentioned that GMA was sure to win because she had the "silent majority" votes. Sounds so intriguing. Like a secret! Hehe!

Still working on my regression scripts. Argh....