Thursday, January 22, 2004

Oh my gooood! Talk about the Revenge of Accenture! I'm up to my elbows with work! With work I'm not too familiar and still coping with. Ay-yay-yay! I really, truly dislike this feeling, not knowing how to begin, what to do next... Tsk, tsk, tsk. I'm also burdened with sooo many personal to-dos... Bazaar wrap-ups, updating my website, meeting with potential wedding clients, bills settlement... ARGH!!! I dunno... Maybe it's my frame of mind, too. I have that attention deficiency whatchamacallit. One minute I'm doing something, and the next minute, I'm off to doing another thing. I need to keep my eye on the ball, organize my thoughts, priorities, and everything else that I have to do.
Hehe... Thanks blogspot! You're my venting venue now!

Monday, January 19, 2004

Whoa! What a week it was... Super busy with sooo many things. Abends left and right.

Friday night was a night at Powerplant mall. We had dinner at Press and shopped for books and planners at Fully Booked, which is by the way, a really nice bookstore. I love the selection!

The weekend was mostly for wedding preparations. Tsk, tsk, tsk.... Sunday late afternoon, we went to the Fiesta ng Tondo. It was one big street party! Viva viva Sto. Nino!! I played with Rico mostly. I really love that kid!! He's sooo adorable!!


Tis the beginning of a new week. Gotta work on those projects so I can go home early. I arrived at 730! Ain't that somethin'?!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

My oh my... looks like the busy bee has bit me! Again! With work this time... Gaaaaad! Can't believe how much I have on my plate again. It's payback time, says Mr. Accenture. :-)

Skipped a day! Cups of coffee from Gloria Jeans and Starbucks have kept my mind running in all directions! Conference calls at night, website update during the day, and a growing list of things to do.

I was just told yesterday that 2003 was the year of the goat/sheep. Twas my year? Hehe. It's more of a question than a statement. Was it really my year?? Reading what I wrote last Monday, I have to say... it was a pretty good year! 5 weddings, several out of town trips, solidified core group in the persons of Maan and Karina. Lots of things, and yet, a lot more things I feel like I want to do. I dunno if I'm just going into the "justify-my-singlehood" mode, but really, I don't feel all that bad that I'm not with anyone. In retrospect, I don't think I want to go through the whole "does he like me?/why doesn't he like me?/why does he like her instead of me?" debacle. It's pretty tiring. And well, I don't know anyone right now who can be my "Mr. Right", or as most articles phrase, my "Mr. Right Now." I'm not looking, really. And after seeing Love Actually, I get the feeling that it will find me someday, when I'm ready.

Hehe... More philosophies on singlehood. Not really brand new thoughts, as I'm sure a lot of people have thought about this.
Back to the grindstone... I still have to work on unloading the EDIS851 mapset from Gentran V6.0 tape... ewww... techie talk!

Monday, January 12, 2004

Hey! Skipped a day! Sunday was a day with the Gadors. We met in Glorietta, right after the Mel Cortez-thinking-he-texted-TinTin-Bersola incident. :-) All is forgiven, Mel! Rico came over to our place after their Las Pinas trip. That kid's the cutest! He loves Nemo like no other.
Ay-ay-ay... The Bangles' song resounding in my head: "It's just another manic Monday, wish it were Sunday." Wish it were Christmas!
I haven't answered my "where did the months of 2003 go?" question. Here goes...
The Best of 2003, according to Tenten
*Weddings! Weddings! Weddings! Weddings! Weddings - March : Llanto - Gador; May : Gestiada - Del Rosario; June : Nuguid - Santiago Nuptials; December : Perez- Barba & De Lusong - Gutierrez ; All memorable weddings, pro-bono and otherwise alike. I like the chaos. Hehe. I enjoy working with suppliers, building networks, and seeing the special day through.
*Working Girl - Got my Melanie Griffith act together. Thanks for the promotion, Accenture. :-)
*Beach Bum - It was hello Boracay and how ya doin' Palawan. I am a child of the ocean... minus the jellyfish, pleeeeasssse!
*Multitasking - Juggling all these tasks was a challenge. I hope I can keep it up this year.
*Friends leaving - Irene left for Indonesia. Twas a change, having one person less to talk to over the phone about senseless matters.
*Friends arriving - Mikey visited Pinas. It was pretty cool seeing him again.
*The Gang Reunited, Accenture employees subtracted - Marian arrived from the U.S. The gang was complete once more. However, two resigned. Bye bye Winstoink and Jesse...
*Tonton.5 - Whatever happened to my brother?! He's skinnier... Looks like all the lard went to Ate, moi!
*Kids and more kids - As usual, my babies, Ina, Iris, Yssa, and Rico showered my mundane 2003 days with joy.

Hmmm.... All for now! Will still think of some more milestones!!

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Whoa! My site has 147 hits! Wooohooohoo! Bring out the silicon champagne! More updates today...
My eyes almost went sore from watching too much television today. Twas more of a morning and afternoon of love. Say Anything... (a Cameron Crowe under-rated classic) was this morning's main feature, while Love Actually was the afternoon's. Love Actually's pretty awesome! I love the airport thing. It tied eveything together. Their stories were all riveting and inspiring. Love is indeed ALL AROUND, actually. Hehe.
During the evening, my eyes were off to Disney's classic tale of mistaken identities, Mulan. As usual, Eddie Murphy was a riot as Mushu. More animated greats thereafter. I watched The Simpsons. They were great, too.
While in mass, by the way, I had a thought... Where did the months of 2003 go?? I've a couple of thoughts about this. Will write tomorrow. :-)

Friday, January 09, 2004

More website development today! I really enjoy doing this design thing! It's pretty cool!
No major, earth-shattering thoughts for today, either.
I'm just pretty psyched about watching the Return of the King, the last installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
All for now... Will write again tomorrow... :-)

More website development today! I really enjoy doing this design thing! It's pretty cool!
No major, earth-shattering thoughts for today, either.
I'm just pretty psyched about watching the Return of the King, the last installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
All for now... Will write again tomorrow... :-)

Thursday, January 08, 2004

New post today, the eighth of Janauary...
I went to the Land Transportation Office in Coastal Mall, Paranaque to have my driver's license renewed. In true Tenten fashion, I smiled during the picture taking, hence the grinning girl on my license! I spent most of the afternoon here at home, clicking the remote away and working on my website!! Yahoo's the best! Friendster used to rock, but now, Geocities has slid its way to the top! I created a website with my two recent weddings. Mental note to self: Update the site with other weddings....
My oh my... Mr. Tummy has found its way to my bod! I can't believe my appetite! I'm eating like there's no tomorrow! Had two slices of pizza early this evening, and dinner's teasing me like crazy! Salmon in Kinchay and mushroom soup with shitake mushrooms... Yum yum... Gotta get that diet and exercise plan workin'!
No big thoughts today... Maybe tomorrow there'll be some....

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Seven days into 2004 and what have I been thinking...
*How much I love mint chocolate chip ice cream
*I have a serious case of holiday hangover
*I love doing weddings, especially for people really, really close to me
*Journals are a close-must! What else will my grandchildren read about my legacy when I'm watching over them as a cherubim?
*My Canon Powershot s230 digicam has been present in all our signicant family events... I am the unofficial family photographer!
*Days turn into months, and months turn into years right under my nose! What is up with that?! How come growing old means watching some of the best years of your life pass you by?
*After 2 dates, I remain boyfriend-less. No trips to the complaint department, though. I guess there are just somethings you gotta do alone.